Sunday, April 12, 2009

Happy Easter!!

The Easter Billy Would like to take a moment to wish you a Very Happy Easter!!

Today is the 1st Easter that I have not spent with my family and as sad as I was thinking about spending Easter alone I am doing quite well. :) I got up this morning with Tharon and helped him get ready for work since the Fire Department does not get "Holidays" off he had to go into work this morning.

I got myself ready to go downtown to The Sacramento Antique Faire with Tana under the W / X Freeway. We found some good finds this morning and had lots of fun. We are getting ready for our antique market in Roseville next week so today was great to find a few more little things to help make more pieces. :)

I came home and checked my piles of emails and found a Great email from Laurie in UWIB of :) Laurie offered up space on her blog for bloggers of UWIB. Come and check out Lauries blog and learn about her wonderful candles.

Friday, April 3, 2009

Blog Feature!!!


I am so excited to find out that I was featured in the UWIB Blog this last weekend!!!

I have been so busy the last couple of weeks getting ready for my 1st show on the 19th in Downtown Roseville that I have barely had time to do anything. I just looked tonight at the UWIB blog and found out that I was featured on Saturday March 28th!!!! I am so proud to be a member of this wonderful group!!!

The 1st Roseville Antique Market

